July 6, 2022
We’re so excited to announce our partnership with these HMO providers!
We’re so excited to announce our partnership with these HMO providers! Here at DGMC, we’re […]
July 6, 2022
Growing Together In Better Normal
This past week was one of our most successful events yet. Our team-building event went […]
August 23, 2021
Divine Grace Medical Center (DGMC) DGMC joins the Department of Health in their call to get vaccinated. Register with your LGU and be vaccinated.
August 23, 2021
TeleMed – Call Our Doctors
August 23, 2021
Divine Grace Medical Center (DGMC) Yes! You can have your Covid 19 RT-PCR Test at the comforts of your own home! Calls us to inquire.
August 23, 2021
Divine Grace Medical Center (DGMC) Hello everyone! Here is our updated Maternity Packages! For more inquiries, please send us a message here on facebook or website.