Health Tips & Advice

May 27, 2024
Health Executive Packages
May 23, 2024
The First Compounding Pharmacy Facility In Cavite
 Exciting developments at Divine Grace Medical Center! we are proud to introduce our brand new […]
February 22, 2024
Always Choose Your Heart
You are invited to join and take part in our free health forum about hypertension. […]
January 16, 2024
Liver Cancer & Viral Hepatitis
Viral Hepatitis is more common than you think. Around 7436 male Filipinos battle liver related […]
November 29, 2023
A Healthier Tomorrow: Introducing PharmaRight1
Last November 24, 2023, marks the opening and blessing of DGMC’s new Out-patient Pharmacy. We […]
October 13, 2023
Breast Cancer Awareness
Today at Divine Grace Medical Center, we had an enlightening lay forum about Breast Cancer […]